The Edelweiss Pirates:
German youth working against the Nazis
(Grades 3-8; 45 minutes)
•Describe the climate in Germany as Hitler rose to power
•Explain who the Edelweiss Pirates were and how they resisted the Nazis
•Talk about the inspiration for the book
•Show how a book grows from an idea to the bookstore/library shelves
•Suitable for library or auditorium setting
•Equipment needed – a laptop that has PowerPoint, a projector, a screen, a microphone
The Whispering Town: Helpers in Denmark
(Grades 3-8; 45 minutes)
•Describe modern Denmark and Nazi-occupied Denmark
•Explain the many different ways the Danes helped the Jews escape to neutral Sweden
•Talk about the inspiration for the book
•Show how a book grows from an idea to the bookstore/library shelves
•Suitable for library or auditorium setting
•Equipment needed – a laptop that has PowerPoint, a projector, a screen, a microphone
Word by Word: An author's journey to publication
(Grades 3-6; 45 minutes)
•Read aloud a picture book
•Describe school experiences that led to a career in writing
•Discuss different types of writing that eventually led to children's literature
•Talk about inspiration for books
•Show how a book grows from an idea to the bookstore/library shelves
•Suitable for library or auditorium setting
•Equipment needed – a laptop that has PowerPoint, a projector, a screen, a microphone
Animals, Aliens, and Monsters: Creating characters that pop from the page
(Grades 4-7; 60 minutes)
•Discuss what written elements bring popular children’s characters to life
•Lead students though a character creation exercise
•Students draw and may share the characters they create
• Suitable for up to 30 students
•Equipment needed – paper, pencils, markers, colored pencils
Try. Fail. Try. Fail. Try. Fail: Learning the elements of plot
(Grades 4-7; 60 minutes)
•Discuss the plot structure of picture books
•Story map one of my picture books
•Students story map a piece of their own fiction and may share their plot
•Stand alone workshop or may be paired with Animals, Aliens, and Monsters
•Suitable for up to 30 students
•Equipment needed – paper, pencils
Off to a good start: Hooking a reader with the first page
(Grades 4-12, 60 minutes)
•Describe character, setting, plot, point of view, voice
•All students must bring an original first page of fiction that will be read out loud anonymously
•Discuss what is working and what can be improved
•Up to 20 serious writing students
•Equipment needed – fiction sample, paper, pencils
Availability and Honorariums for 2021/2022 School Year
Local Area: City of Charlottesville, Virginia, plus Albemarle, Greene, Orange, Louisa, Fluvanna, Buckingham, Nelson, Augusta, and Rockingham counties
•$500 – Full Day includes three presentations, Q&A Lunch with a select group of students, and book signings
•$300 – Half Day includes two presentations plus book signings
Outside Local Area
•$700 plus travel expenses – Full Day includes three presentations, Q&A Lunch with a select group of students and book signings
•$500 plus travel expenses – Half Day includes two presentations plus book signings
Customized Skype Visits
•$150 – 30 to 40 minutes
I am willing to discuss ways to fit visits into school budgets. I am also available for speeches including banquets, conferences and keynotes. Email me!
The Edelweiss Pirates:
German youth working against the Nazis
(Grades 3-8; 45 minutes)
•Describe the climate in Germany as Hitler rose to power
•Explain who the Edelweiss Pirates were and how they resisted the Nazis
•Talk about the inspiration for the book
•Show how a book grows from an idea to the bookstore/library shelves
•Suitable for library or auditorium setting
•Equipment needed – a laptop that has PowerPoint, a projector, a screen, a microphone
The Whispering Town: Helpers in Denmark
(Grades 3-8; 45 minutes)
•Describe modern Denmark and Nazi-occupied Denmark
•Explain the many different ways the Danes helped the Jews escape to neutral Sweden
•Talk about the inspiration for the book
•Show how a book grows from an idea to the bookstore/library shelves
•Suitable for library or auditorium setting
•Equipment needed – a laptop that has PowerPoint, a projector, a screen, a microphone
Word by Word: An author's journey to publication
(Grades 3-6; 45 minutes)
•Read aloud a picture book
•Describe school experiences that led to a career in writing
•Discuss different types of writing that eventually led to children's literature
•Talk about inspiration for books
•Show how a book grows from an idea to the bookstore/library shelves
•Suitable for library or auditorium setting
•Equipment needed – a laptop that has PowerPoint, a projector, a screen, a microphone
Animals, Aliens, and Monsters: Creating characters that pop from the page
(Grades 4-7; 60 minutes)
•Discuss what written elements bring popular children’s characters to life
•Lead students though a character creation exercise
•Students draw and may share the characters they create
• Suitable for up to 30 students
•Equipment needed – paper, pencils, markers, colored pencils
Try. Fail. Try. Fail. Try. Fail: Learning the elements of plot
(Grades 4-7; 60 minutes)
•Discuss the plot structure of picture books
•Story map one of my picture books
•Students story map a piece of their own fiction and may share their plot
•Stand alone workshop or may be paired with Animals, Aliens, and Monsters
•Suitable for up to 30 students
•Equipment needed – paper, pencils
Off to a good start: Hooking a reader with the first page
(Grades 4-12, 60 minutes)
•Describe character, setting, plot, point of view, voice
•All students must bring an original first page of fiction that will be read out loud anonymously
•Discuss what is working and what can be improved
•Up to 20 serious writing students
•Equipment needed – fiction sample, paper, pencils
Availability and Honorariums for 2021/2022 School Year
Local Area: City of Charlottesville, Virginia, plus Albemarle, Greene, Orange, Louisa, Fluvanna, Buckingham, Nelson, Augusta, and Rockingham counties
•$500 – Full Day includes three presentations, Q&A Lunch with a select group of students, and book signings
•$300 – Half Day includes two presentations plus book signings
Outside Local Area
•$700 plus travel expenses – Full Day includes three presentations, Q&A Lunch with a select group of students and book signings
•$500 plus travel expenses – Half Day includes two presentations plus book signings
Customized Skype Visits
•$150 – 30 to 40 minutes
I am willing to discuss ways to fit visits into school budgets. I am also available for speeches including banquets, conferences and keynotes. Email me!